Mariah’s Grief

Image credit: Prettysleepy1, Pixabay

Mariah sits alone in the rain
she says it soothes her pain
it disguises her tears
shields her from the village stares
holds back another reason for them to snare
but from where I stand, it seems that
the rain uncovers Mariah’s despairs
she is trying to be strong
but every drop from the dark clouds
stabs her soul like thorns

Her cries are getting louder
but she can’t afford to be heard
so she synchronizes her wails with the blasting of thunder
lightning strikes at a distance
where her eyes wander
as her mind painfully ponders
the events of that fateful day

Her lips only let out wails
but the gushing winds want to hear words,
They ask, “What happened that day, Mama”,
“I am not a mom”, Mariah hurriedly responds
as she finally finds words to defend her pain
“Much as I carried them in my womb
that day was supposed to be filled with joy
I was going to finally hold my girl and boy
but little did I know that fate had been deployed
Waiting for the hour to strike and destroy”
“It will be a smooth birth”, the village midwife said
while she buttoned her worn-out medical scrub
But she did not add that she had no drugs
No transfusion blood, no doctor on call

She kept screaming “Push”, and I did with my all
and as sure as the nightfall, did darkness creep in
“Something is not right”, the village midwife finally said
“It’s late in the night
but you will not have breath by daylight”.

She gathered the village men to carry me to the town
They paced their steps with their muscles flexed
All I remember is that we reached the town medical center.
The early roster had just made its first crow
when the doctor said it was too late after all
“The twins have no heartbeat, and you, Mariah,
will be next to take the fall”.
To save my life, the doctor had to remove that which gave life
I now live without a womb
and memories of my lifeless twins in a tomb

Mariah’s words left the gushing winds chilled
they quietened as though to give a moment of silence
The rain slowly ceased
but I could see Mariah’s grief only increased

Imperfect Vessels

Sometimes the sky above will be out of your reach
Sometimes you will fail to practice what you preach
Sometimes you will be beaten at your own game
Sometimes you will have only yourself to blame
At times you will lose your sense of wrong and right
At times it’s just your pillow to wipe your tears at night
Dark clouds will always try to hide the bright sun rays
and at times your rainbow will only be shades of grey
We are all imperfect vessels that God is still molding
Let’s hold on a little longer as His plans are unfolding

Nine Yards

Do you have what it takes to go the whole nine yards?

This ain’t for those with a faint heart
Those who are too afraid to start
This ain’t for the weak and dauntless
Those who crack at the sight of stress

This is for the hustlers; for the fighters
Who reach the stars but still go higher
Who know the sky is not the limit
but a limitation to their avid spirit

This is for those who can press forward
Only those who can go the nine yards
Whose eyes burn with determination
Who don’t need flattery for motivation

This is war meant only for warriors
Those who can’t be stopped by barriers
Whose motto is to either “win or win”
And will keep going through thick or thin

Those who know the bitter taste of failure
But that doesn’t stop their winning nature
Those who have taken a hard fall
But still rise up to give it their all

This is for those who don’t give up
Who will always keep their heads’ up
Who can smell success in the air
Those who keep on playing fair


Poem by Irene Agudu Muiri

A thousand pieces lay bare
Remnants from this warfare
How can I stand through it all?

Ripped in shreds, pulled apart
That’s what’s left of my heart
How can I stand through it all?

Misery, despair and all its cousins
Engulf a heart that was once loving
How can I stand through it all?

Will the rainbow erase this gloom?
Will the roses and daisies bloom?
Will I be standing after it all?