On Your Marks, Set…..BANG!!!

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

This was a fun poem to piece together. I enjoyed the mono-rhyming scheme, but I was surprised by how lengthy it turned out to be.  I wrote this poem at the start of this year. You know that time when you are full of zeal and you write a list of ambitious resolutions. You are certain that this time round you will make it to the moon. Yap, that’s this poem.

Part of my new year resolution was to resume writing poetry. Not just for my little poetry book, but to share it with the rest of the world. Hence the birth of Inspirationpoetry.com.

It’s not easy starting something, but you have to take the first step with determination to take the second regardless of how the first step felt. Not everyone will support you, and that’s okay. Keep going, they will catch up along the way.

Above all, pray for your plans. Seek wisdom, seek direction and seek purpose. Without these three, you might lose your way when the fog sets in- and trust me, the fog does set in.

On your marks, get set…
Bang! goes the handgun
It’s a new year; the race has begun
Over the horizon, like the rising sun
The hour is here, it can’t be Undone
I’ll give it my best- be number one
Because the year 2019 is up for grabs
For my resolutions; I’ll keep close tabs
This time round I may get those abs
Once I figure out how to watch these carbs

Oh! The joys of a fresh new start
It’s over-pouring in my heart
The excitement, I can’t hold myself down
The exhilaration, hear my heart pound
Where to start? Why am I pacing around?
Bouncing off walls, I feel like a clown
With 365 days all for the taking
So many ideas my brain is baking
Visions flashing; so breath-taking
My blueprints are earth-shaking

All these people saying I can’t do it
Relinquish all, give up, just quit
Saying “why bother, you’re unfit…
this race is tight, and you lack the right kit”
Your condemnations, I will not permit
So, get behind me you voice of doom
Stay in the past with your misery and gloom
Better still, get buried in an ancient tomb
This year is mine, I feel it in my bone
I will scream out loud, let it be known

Yet silently I pray to my Father above
To give me wisdom, strength and love
To send me a guide, inform of a dove
To let me run on the heavenly trail
To direct my plans so they won’t fail
To fuel my pace so I won’t frail
With my Father by me, am all set
On your marks, get set…
Bang! goes the handgun
2019 is here, the race has begun
Watch me go, it’s going to be a home run

17 thoughts on “On Your Marks, Set…..BANG!!!

    1. Amazing, am happy to feature your poems on this site. If you like to, let me know. Otherwise, thanks for the review.


  1. Indeed I have fallen in love with this poem…….. I have liked the literally devices employed there . Me too it’s my year


    1. Thanks Simon. Indeed this is your year. I pray you achieve the goals you have set. Don’t hesitate to download the poem to re-read at your convenience, and any other poem on this site. Thanks again for your comment.


  2. Wow.. Wow, wow!! how I wish this world was blessed with a thousands of your stature, we could leave a better world. You leave me craving for more.


    1. Hi Sendi, thanks for stopping by to read Inspirationpoetry. Am happy it has served it’s purpose of inspiring you. I will definitely dish out more – by Gods grace.


  3. When I read your poems I’m left in awe. What a wonderful treasure in a jar of clay. Keep up the great work God is the Potter


  4. Wow! Your writing indeed…..(you) have inspired me, this is really my year.
    May God give you more. Stay Blessed!


    1. Hi Lawrence, am happy you stopped by to read the poems. Yes, my purpose is to write inspirational poems that will touch a reader and I am happy you are inspired. Indeed this is your year – stay focused to achieve your goals. Do check out the site for more new content when your can.


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