Only One You

I wrote this poem while thinking of a couple of people I know who have lost their lives due to mental illness. For some of them- I didn’t know they had this condition.

It is hard to talk to someone you are worried about, however, don’t underestimate the importance of just “being there”. At times, being there makes a difference in helping someone feel less alone and supported to overcome their problems.

Asking is usually the starting point. Don’t hesitate to talk to someone you are worried about. Be genuine in your approach. If you say, “you know you can talk to me if you ever need to”, then be ready to be there when the other person finally comes around. You may also ask, “You have not been yourself, is everything ok?”

Listening is also key. Resist the temptation to offer advice and solutions, as well as making assumptions. It is with in our human nature to judge, but try to be non-judgmental by taking an empathetic approach. Just listen and offer support- which may simply be a shoulder to lean on.