Stolen Childhood

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

This was a painful piece to write. I had an image of a sad, grief-stricken child in my mind as I wrote this poem. It does not fully capture the impact war has on children, and it does not do justice to the daily situation surviving children have to endure.

I don’t have a write-up for this poem. My only prayer and hope for all those living in a crisis, is David’s Psalm 46.

God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come and see what the LORD has done,
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.

At the Cross

A Prayer For Easter

Heavenly Father, thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for the victory and power through the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you that you hold the keys over death, that by your might, Jesus was raised from the grave, paving the way for us to have new life with You. We ask that You renew our hearts, minds, and lives, for the days ahead. We pray for a fresh over pouring in our lives. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

On Your Marks, Set…..BANG!!!

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

This was a fun poem to piece together. I enjoyed the mono-rhyming scheme, but I was surprised by how lengthy it turned out to be.  I wrote this poem at the start of this year. You know that time when you are full of zeal and you write a list of ambitious resolutions. You are certain that this time round you will make it to the moon. Yap, that’s this poem.

Part of my new year resolution was to resume writing poetry. Not just for my little poetry book, but to share it with the rest of the world. Hence the birth of

It’s not easy starting something, but you have to take the first step with determination to take the second regardless of how the first step felt. Not everyone will support you, and that’s okay. Keep going, they will catch up along the way.

Above all, pray for your plans. Seek wisdom, seek direction and seek purpose. Without these three, you might lose your way when the fog sets in- and trust me, the fog does set in.

On your marks, get set…
Bang! goes the handgun
It’s a new year; the race has begun
Over the horizon, like the rising sun
The hour is here, it can’t be Undone
I’ll give it my best- be number one
Because the year 2019 is up for grabs
For my resolutions; I’ll keep close tabs
This time round I may get those abs
Once I figure out how to watch these carbs

Oh! The joys of a fresh new start
It’s over-pouring in my heart
The excitement, I can’t hold myself down
The exhilaration, hear my heart pound
Where to start? Why am I pacing around?
Bouncing off walls, I feel like a clown
With 365 days all for the taking
So many ideas my brain is baking
Visions flashing; so breath-taking
My blueprints are earth-shaking

All these people saying I can’t do it
Relinquish all, give up, just quit
Saying “why bother, you’re unfit…
this race is tight, and you lack the right kit”
Your condemnations, I will not permit
So, get behind me you voice of doom
Stay in the past with your misery and gloom
Better still, get buried in an ancient tomb
This year is mine, I feel it in my bone
I will scream out loud, let it be known

Yet silently I pray to my Father above
To give me wisdom, strength and love
To send me a guide, inform of a dove
To let me run on the heavenly trail
To direct my plans so they won’t fail
To fuel my pace so I won’t frail
With my Father by me, am all set
On your marks, get set…
Bang! goes the handgun
2019 is here, the race has begun
Watch me go, it’s going to be a home run

Distance Separates Us, But….

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

I wrote this poem for a friend many years ago. I din’t quite figure out a title for it back then. Looking at it now, I still can’t get a title for it. With or without a title, it is still a sweet friendship poem.

Distance may separate us
But we are under the same sky
Praying to the same Father
Breathing the same air

We share the same dreams
Of meeting again
Over and over
Down this road called life

So true is the saying
Out of sight is not out of mind
For you form my thoughts
By day and by night

What we shared yesterday
We have for memory today
And with each other’s prayers
Strength for tomorrow awaits

What’s Your Story?

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

Everybody has a story
Some are stories of victory
Some are stories of defeat
Whoever you meet
Pretty or otherwise
In their hidden space lies
The scars from their battle
And the rewarding mantle

So, listen and pick the clues
You will learn a thing or two
For her stitched heart knows
The path through your shadows
And his rough face knows
How to dodge life’s blows
So, tell me your story
It might be my victory

Don’t Let Me Walk This Road Alone

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

I wrote this poem probably 15 years ago. It has been in my little poetry book for all these years and finally it can now see the light of day. I have not changed anything to it. I have simply typed it out the way I wrote it then.

I have no recollection of what inspired me to write this poem, all I know is that I still love it the same way I loved it then. The poem is more like a prayer, a prayer for guidance. A prayer for assurance picking from Psalms 23. 

Don’t let me walk this road alone
For my human state it’s far too long
With humps and bumps, I often fall
Even when I rise, I can’t stand tall

Keep my feet planted on the solid ground
That as I tread, I may follow the sound
Of the trumpet blast, where victory is found
In heaven high where angles surround

By your strength take me through the land
let me know that we’ll be hand in hand
Bestow joy upon my way
That greater heights I may gain everyday

Walk besides me, with your staff and rod
And keep me going on the same road
Through the storm rages upon me
Let it be that the cross is all I see

So, don’t let me walk this road alone
For my human state it’s far too long

Half Full or Half Empty

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

We see the same glass but not eye to eye
You say it’s half empty; I say it’s half full
We can’t compromise, it’s a push and pull
Till all we have left is a cloudless sky

You say the zebra is black with white stripes
White with black stripes is what I see
I guess what matters is if we agree to disagree
Rather than fight a battle at a high price

You say my strategy is mission impossible
Yet in my eyes it all makes perfect sense
Then we go in circles, talking in defence
Failing to accept that we are all different

We can love without seeing eye to eye
If we could just pose and simply reflect
For under the sun we are all imperfect
Let’s agree on this one thing before we die