Imperfect Vessels

Sometimes the sky above will be out of your reach
Sometimes you will fail to practice what you preach
Sometimes you will be beaten at your own game
Sometimes you will have only yourself to blame
At times you will lose your sense of wrong and right
At times it’s just your pillow to wipe your tears at night
Dark clouds will always try to hide the bright sun rays
and at times your rainbow will only be shades of grey
We are all imperfect vessels that God is still molding
Let’s hold on a little longer as His plans are unfolding

What is My Worth?

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

Self-worth is an internal sense of being that comes from self- understanding, self-love and self-acceptance. Abraham Lincoln said, “it’s difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself”.

Self-worth is how you value and regard yourself despite what others think, say or do. It means having a high opinion and estimate of yourself and your abilities. This gives you the power to radically transform your life for better, as well as transform the people around you.

We all know the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Self-worth fuels your self-esteem, self- confidence and ultimately your self-will to reach beyond the stars. To aim beyond the sky into the unseen. To achieve what everyone said was impossible. To do what doctors said you would never do. To succeed in life contrary to your test results. To become what no-one ever believed you would become.

We all have untapped potential waiting for to be explored- if only you dare; if only i dare!