Nine Yards

Do you have what it takes to go the whole nine yards?

This ain’t for those with a faint heart
Those who are too afraid to start
This ain’t for the weak and dauntless
Those who crack at the sight of stress

This is for the hustlers; for the fighters
Who reach the stars but still go higher
Who know the sky is not the limit
but a limitation to their avid spirit

This is for those who can press forward
Only those who can go the nine yards
Whose eyes burn with determination
Who don’t need flattery for motivation

This is war meant only for warriors
Those who can’t be stopped by barriers
Whose motto is to either “win or win”
And will keep going through thick or thin

Those who know the bitter taste of failure
But that doesn’t stop their winning nature
Those who have taken a hard fall
But still rise up to give it their all

This is for those who don’t give up
Who will always keep their heads’ up
Who can smell success in the air
Those who keep on playing fair

What is My Worth?

Author – Irene Agudu Muiri

Self-worth is an internal sense of being that comes from self- understanding, self-love and self-acceptance. Abraham Lincoln said, “it’s difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself”.

Self-worth is how you value and regard yourself despite what others think, say or do. It means having a high opinion and estimate of yourself and your abilities. This gives you the power to radically transform your life for better, as well as transform the people around you.

We all know the saying “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Self-worth fuels your self-esteem, self- confidence and ultimately your self-will to reach beyond the stars. To aim beyond the sky into the unseen. To achieve what everyone said was impossible. To do what doctors said you would never do. To succeed in life contrary to your test results. To become what no-one ever believed you would become.

We all have untapped potential waiting for to be explored- if only you dare; if only i dare!